Long Shadows Harvest Update 2024

Harvest 2024: A Vintage of Promise at Long Shadows Vineyard

As the first grapes of 2024 make their way from vineyard sites to the crush pad, Long Shadows Director of Winemaking and Viticulture, Gilles Nicault, shares his insights on what's shaping up to be an exceptional vintage.

Growing Conditions

This year's harvest began just four days earlier than in 2023. The summer brought ideal ripening conditions, resulting in grapes with extraordinary flavor profiles and well-balanced acidity.

July and August saw warm to very warm temperatures, followed by a perfectly timed shift to overcast skies and cooler temperatures around veraison - the crucial period when grapes change color and begin to ripen. This allowed for the slow, steady ripening that winemakers dream of, fostering the development of ideal sugar levels, acids, and flavor compounds.

A "Compressed" Harvest

The consistent, favorable weather throughout the growing season is likely to result in what Gilles describes as a "compressed" harvest. Many grape varieties are expected to reach optimal ripeness simultaneously, condensing what can often be an 8-10 week harvest window into a mere six weeks.

While this scenario is ideal from a viticulture standpoint - allowing the team to harvest at peak ripeness rather than being forced to make picking decisions based on weather pressures - it presents unique challenges in the winery.

Winery Logistics: It’s Not Just the Art of Winemaking

The influx of fruit arriving in rapid succession transforms the winery into a bustling hive of activity. Tanks, barrels, bins, hoses, and other winemaking equipment are in constant motion, accompanied by the persistent hum of forklifts and the chatter of the team on the sorting line.

This compressed timeline highlights the multifaceted nature of winemaking. Beyond the artistry of crafting fine wines, it demands meticulous record-keeping, masterful scheduling, and the flexibility to change plans at a moment's notice.

Gilles feels fortunate to have an experienced team to handle this pace. He has been with Long Shadows since its inception, and his assistant winemaker has worked alongside him for over a decade, with many crew members returning for multiple harvests.

The Long Shadows Advantage

Long Shadows' strategy of sourcing grapes from diverse geographical areas - including Walla Walla Valley, Red Mountain, Yakima Valley, and Columbia Gorge - provides a built-in safety net against localized weather events. In challenging years, this diversity can be a vintage-saver. In exceptional years like 2024, it means an abundance of high-quality fruit from every vineyard.

This wealth of options is particularly valuable during the blending process, giving Gilles unrestricted choice in selecting the perfect components for each wine.

A Vintage to Remember

With 30 years of winemaking experience, Gilles ranks 2024 among the most promising vintages he's encountered. While the fruits of this year's labor won't be fully realized for several years, wine enthusiasts can look forward to tasting the results of previous outstanding vintages at Long Shadows' winery in Walla Walla or the Tasting Room in Woodinville.

As we eagerly anticipate the wines of 2024, one thing is certain: the dedication and expertise of Gilles and his team, combined with near-perfect growing conditions, are setting the stage for truly exceptional wines from Long Shadows Vineyard.

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